1813 – 43rd and 52nd - Light Division – pursuing French, reached Olonez.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
1230 - Aeroplane bombed IGNATOVSKAYA & KITSA. 3 direct hits reported on IGNATOVSKAYA. One on KITSA.
Planes also bombed advanced position on left bank.
Capt. Swinhoe and two platoons B Coy. left NIJNI KITSA to advance on KITSA.
2315 - Advance Guard (A Coy. less two platoons) left 2nd bridge followed by main body. (H.Q. & C Coy.) to attack IGNATOVSKAYA.
2315 - Advance Position was captured with 17 prisoners and two Machine Guns.
2340 - Reports of capture of bolo advanced positions sent back by hand: telephone communications having broken down owing to a cart with signalling equipment having bolted when bolo started shelling.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL.
Orders were received from Brigade for the Regiment to relieve the 1 RUR at BREVILLE on the 27th.
The day passed quietly, the troops preparing for the move while officers made recce's of the 1 RUR positions with a view to taking over.
The BREVILLE position seemed to be an exceptionally strong one and far more comfortable than that at Le Mesnil.
5 Officers and 30 ORs attended a concert given by ENSA in the back areas.
Good news was received about the progress on the main front.
The Regiment reinforced its diet with a few chickens which would otherwise have starved after negotiations with the local mayor.