1815 – 52nd - Battle of Waterloo – 52nd under the command of Sir John Colborne, led the decisive attack on the French Imperial Guard.
The casualties of the Regiment in the battle of June18th, were 38 killed, and 168 wounded, of whom several died later.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – MTE BRUSABO.
Battn had baths during the day.
Remainder of the day spent in preparations and clearing up generally.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 641 OR. Casualties 10 OR.
1918 - 5th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Cadre to BOULOGNE and ALDERSHOT.
Embarked at 2.0 p.m. in fine weather. The crossing was calm. The troops got tea at FOLKSTONE. The various “Cadres” now gathered under the 16th Divn. left in 2 troop trains for ALDERSHOT, where the Govt. siding was reached at 10.30 p.m. Here it was raining and the troops were required to march some four miles to the Race Course at CROOKHAM and there go into a standby camp. At the Railway Station at Aldershot, the Divnl. Commander was handed papers from which it appeared that most of the Battalions to be formed were other than those for whom Cadres had been sent: and that in our case the 5th Oxf. & Bucks. Lt. Infty. were to form the Cadre of a Battalion of the Gloucester Regt. (the 18th Bn.).
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – ST COME.
Patrols reported (1) ENEMY post 1 section at 155737, 1 section at 153743 - deduction chateau area held by not more than one platoon.
'B' Coy made a feint attack on position at wood 146735 supported by Artillery, thus drawing ENEMY fire; estimated 1 section at 144736, two Machine Guns at wood 147735, post at hedge junction 143738 - deduction that enemy is holding area of wood 146735 strength one platoon. Brigade moved to new location at 133724.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion:- NORMANDY
On the 18th June Battalion headquarters moved to its new position (an old civilian transport park)