1804 - 43rd - joined Sir John Moore's Brigade at Shorncliffe.
1815 – 52nd – Reached Enghien (Waterloo Campaign)
B Company relieved A Company who came into Support.
C Company (less 2 platoons already in front line) relieved D company (less 2 platoons for the raid and so already in Reserve).
The first four days in the line were quiet and uneventful.
Very active patrolling was carried out, both by Officers and NCOs of D Coy on the front of the Left Company in preparation for the raid in the front of the Right Company. Some especially good work being performed by Lt D C Colvill of A Coy.
1918 - Battle of the Piave; 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI and 1/1st Bucks Bns engaged on the Asiago Plateau (Italy) in meeting the great Austrian offensive.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – MONTE LEMERLE.
3AM- Intense bombardment opened all along the line.
Very heavy shelling in back areas, notably on HANDLEY CROSS, CARRIOLA ROAD and HANDLEY CROSS - MAGNABOSCH Roads.
Large numbers of lachrymatory gas shells.
3.30AM-Battle Positions manned - Dispositions:-
C Coy LEMERLE SWITCH (E of above Road)
A Coy POLDERHOEK TRENCH (From LEMERLE SWITCH – 150 yards W of above Road)
B Coy POLDERHOEK TRENCH (From A Coys Right to Divnl Boundary)
HQers Remained in same position owing to gas in valleys.
5.30AM-Bombardment slackened.
No news from forward Coys in LEMERLE SWITCH.
Sent Officers Patrols forward to maintain touch with forward Battns.
6.45AM-Renewed violence of enemy artillery fire.
7AM-Our guns firing fast. Thick mist on the plateau. Visibility NIL.
7.32AM-GLOSTER Outpost group arrives reporting enemy attacking in large numbers. GLOSTERS front line not held and position of 5th GLOSTERS unknown.
7.40AM-Forward Coys reported very heavy shelling on LEMERLE SWITCH. Some casualties.
7.50AM-Situation Fairly Quiet
8.35AM-Message from OXFORDS timed 7.50am reports enemy attacking in force.
9AM-Shelling again very heavy.
Line reported broken on both flanks.
Shelling at HQers very heavy. Moved HQers to dugout 200 yards W of previous position.
HQ details sent forward to assist garrison of POLDERHOEK TRENCH , LEMERLE SWITCH reinforced by mixed parties of R.E, T.M.B., M.G.C. etc
9.35AM-23rd DIVISION report front line reoccupied.
9.40AM-OXFORDS report most of Front Line regained.
10AM-CAPT CROUCH proceeded to OXFORD HQers to clear up situation.
OXFORDS being reinforced by ROYAL BERKS.
Still no news from GLOSTERS.
11.15AM-OXFORDS report Front Line held on Left, but swaying battle in Centre and on Right which were about 100yards from Front Line.
GLOSTERS apparently holding Railway Line, but with enemy parties behind them in some places. Wide gaps between OXFORDS and GLOSTERS.
11.30AM-Touch with 143 BRIGADE lost.
WARWICKS holding line slightly forward of CESUNA SWITCH.
MAJOR HALL went forward to LEMERLE SWITCH to find out situation.
11.45AM-Artillery fire slackened off again.
12.30PM-Remnants of GLOSTERS back to a point 250yard forward of LEMERLE SWITCH.
Wide gaps between them and WARWICKS holding a line just forward of CESUNA SWITCH.
1.35PM-Heavy shelling of HANDLEY CROSS and LEMERLE AVENUE.
3.58PM-OXFORDS driven back to line just forward of their BN HQ.
BERKS on their left endeavouring to fill up gap.
Situation unchanged for some hours.
7.30PM-Gas bombardment of back area resumed.
8PM-144 BDE (less 2 Bns) counter attacked. Result obscure.
The two last batteries of 240 BDE believed to have been moved
9PM-All Quiet.
Ration Strength: 26 Officers 643 OR Casualties 2 Officers 38 OR
1918 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – M. LEMERLE.
12.15AM - One VAISTER Platoon rushed enemy post and captured 1 prisoner of 23rd HONVED Regt.
Prisoner by means of signs, gave information that an attack preceded by gas & HE bombardment would be delivered against the Bn. Sector at 3 am. Prisoner was interrogated at Bn. HdQtrs., & sent off to Divisional Hd Qtrs. by car. Before confirmation of his statement was received the battle had begun, and at 3 am. precisely a heavy gas & HE bombardment started on our front & back areas.
3AM - The enemy spread a barrage of gas shells on our front & reserve lines and also on back areas. Simultaneously a heavy bombardment was begun on the front line system which
lasted for about 3 hours and included T.M's., M.G's & flammenwerfer. Under cover of this
shelling & the smoke & gas hanging in the valley the enemy came over & penetrated a portion of our line SE. of Hill 1002. Immediately the bombardment stopped the Right Front Coy joined M.G's & Bombers working along in rear of front line, compelling a withdraw to Right flank.
4.17AM - The Right front Coy reported Artillery increasing & gas shells frequent.
4.30AM - Outposts withdrew but on our Left front, found the enemy held up on wire, consequently unable to reach our lines. On the Right the outpost Platoons succeeded in reaching the line but could not get touch with its own men & had to fight through to find out the situation.
5.10AM - Left front Coy reported that the Road & Rly Arch at H.398.367 were still being heavily shelled and that there had been no communication along front line since 4.10.
5.50AM - Right front Coy reported being shelled & one man Killed.
A Scout patrol was sent out & returned at 7 am with the information that Coy Hd Qtrs could not be reached as heavy shelling had been resumed in the neighbourhood of front line & that the enemy was attacking in force. One Platoon R. BERKS arrived to reinforce.
7.5AM - The Right Outpost Platoon had withdrawn as far as Bn Hd Qtrs & gained information that hostile parties were advancing on CHALK FARM. This Platoon was quickly reformed & sent to reinforce our line.
7.10AM - S.O.S. sent up from Bn Hd Qtrs.
7.15AM - Information received that enemy had penetrated line & were advancing on Bn Hd Qtrs. Headquarters Coy were pushed out to line Hill covering Bn Hd Qtrs.
8.00AM - Enemy held on line roughly Hill 1021, H.428.369, Arch at H.398.367.
The Left front Coy were unable to get touch with their Left Bn. and threw out a screen roughly conforming to Railway, to cover their front.
9.00AM - Line about 150 yards in rear of original front line.
9.50AM - Railway Bridge still held by Left front Coy. Heavy firing reported from behind PELLEY CROSS.
10.30AM - Two Platoons of Rt. Reserve Coy., counter attacked and reached original front line, remaining in position for 20 minutes. Enemy had M.G in unfinished O.P. in a tree overlooking front line. RONCALTO track held by C & A Coy's from road to CHALK FARM.
11AM - Line held roughly Rly. Arch, Artillery Rd. running to RONCALTO, Hill 1021.
12AM - Line held as at 11 am.
2.15PM - Left front Coy commenced withdrawal from Rly. Arch on E. side of PRINCES Road, to just N. of PELLEY CROSS, thence S. across Road to LEMERLE SWITCH. Coy have been reformed and afterwards reinforced line above Bn. Hd Qtrs.
3.0PM - Enemy reported by Bde, to be advancing in strength from CANOVE DI SOTTO.
9.0PM - Line held as at 12 noon, by a series of strong posts. Light wire run out about 30 yards in front.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – ST COME.
Letter B Coy snipers had a good day on patrol and accounted for at least 4 enemy dead. Prisoners of War captured in BREVILLE area identified as being from 4 Coy 857 Regt (under command 711 Infantry Div).
1968 – 1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets (43rd & 52nd) – The subsidiary titles of the three regular battalions of the Regiment were dropped leaving the battalion with the title of:- 1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets.
It would however keep alive the traditions of the 43rd & 52nd such as Serjeant with the “J”, the Regimental Serjeant Majors white bow tie and “Letter – Company” etc until 1992 when the battalion was disbanded on the reduction of the Regiment (RGJ) to two battalions.