1762 – 43rd - Capture of Moro, Havannah, 43rd present.
1812 – Light Division – Left El Boden (Spain) en route to Salamanca.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
1400 - H.Q. & 2 platoons B Coy. arrived from BERESNIK by Routine tug and billeted UST VAGA.
1430 - Adjutant & Quartermaster inspected SELTSO with a view to moving Column H.Q. there at an early date.
2100 - Enemy fired 3 salvoes of 4 rounds each at MALA BERESNIK. Our guns replied.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI -HEROUVILETTE
A report that a large number of tanks were moving in a N.W. direction from CAEN towards our positions caused great activity in the strengthening of our positions.
Slight shelling added to the general state of expectancy during the afternoon, but the threat did not materialise.