1814 – 52nd – 1st Bn 52nd proceeded from Castel Sarrasin (France) to Bordeaux, whence on the 17th embarked for England.
1859 – 52nd - Burning of the Eastern Monarch; detachment of the 52nd on board.
1907 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – Colonel Wrigley (D.A.G Equipment and Ordnance Stores) and the inventor arrived to fit on the new equipment (Mills-Burrowe).
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
Capt. F.C. Chandler M.C. R.A.M.C. REJOINED FROM hospital and took over duties of Battalion Medical Officer from Capt. G.E. Spicer, M.C. R.A.M.C. who rejoined 155th Field Ambulance.
1030 - H.Q. A.B.C. Coy’s. & 239 T.M.B. embarked on 15 tugs at SOBORNAYA QUAY. With 14 days rations and 3 blankets per man. Kits by baggage barge.
1230 - Embarkation complete & tugs proceed up stream.
Stopped about 25 verts N of UST PINEGA.
Berthed at the bank and bivouaced ashore for the night. 2100 hrs.
D Coy was left behind at Archangel owing to shortage of transport and took over Olga barracks after the regiment left.
1940 - 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI formed as 50th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI