1814 – 52nd – 1st Bn 52nd proceeded from Castel Sarrasin (France) to Bordeaux, whence on the 17th embarked for England.
1859 – 52nd - Burning of the Eastern Monarch; detachment of the 52nd on board.
1907 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – Colonel Wrigley (D.A.G Equipment and Ordnance Stores) and the inventor arrived to fit on the new equipment (Mills-Burrowe).
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – COUY-SERVINS.
Work was begun at once deepening and connecting all trenches.
Between 9am and 11am shell fire considerably interfered with work.
About 40 Heavy Shrapnel and H.E. shells fell on the area imeediately East and West of ZOUAVE VALLEY during this time but no damage was done.
The enemy were working on their new front line but they were not interfered with till after the relief was complete.
Our wire was very poor and every effort was made to improve its 16 Chevaux-de-frises were brought up and placed in position before dawn.
Enemy’s wire of very little strength.
Casualties (3rd): 1 Killed (A Coy) and 1 Wounded (C Coy).
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – NEUVILLE
Battalion in Billets.
March across country to YVRENCH for Field Training.
1940 - 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI formed as 50th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI