1809 - 2nd Bn. 43rd - embarked as part of the expedition to Walcheren.
The Regiment was distributed in the above positions.
Reinforcements (Other Ranks) During the Month – Nil.
Casualties – Other Ranks - Killed = 5. Wounded = 17
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – GRANEZZA. (ITALIAN FRONT)
Coys Training during the Morning.
A Coy found Working Party of 50 OR on Ammunition Dumps.
Ration Strength: 21 Officers 605 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To COTTES. (WESTERN FRONT)
1932–Buckinghamshire Battalion–Annual Camp–WESTHORPE PARK, MARLOW.
1938 – Buckinghamshire Battalion – Annual Camp – BULFORD FIELDS.
1940 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - (the 52nd) (under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel L. W. Giles, M.C.) mobilized at Wheatley near Oxford as part of the 31st Independent Brigade Group.
The other three infantry battalions in the brigade were the 1st Bn. Border Regiment, the 2nd Bn. South Staffordshire Regiment and the 1st Bn. Royal Ulster Rifles.
Thus began for the 52nd a partnership which lasted with the Border Regiment and South Staffordshire Regiment until the spring of 1942, and with the Royal Ulster Rifles until parting in Palestine after the end of the war.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE & AMFREVILLE. (NORMANDY)
The Regts period of rest came to an abrupt end at 0100 hrs this morning when we received orders to be at one hour's notice to move and take over from 4 & 6 Commandos at BREVILLE + AMFREVILLE.
The relief was completed by 0900 hrs, without any interference from the enemy.
In the afternoon we were informed that 'B' Coy 1st Bucks were to be attached to us and would arrive tomorrow morning. The Comd Offr decided to use them to relieve "C" Coy who would go into a rest area for four days.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - NORMANDY
B Coy complete moves over the River Orne to take up position at 128748 under command 52nd.
A Coy assumes responsibility for guarding 4 bridges over River Orne at 111765 and 115761 under command 4 SS Bde.
1987 – 1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets – NORTHERN IRELAND.
Remembering today – Cpl E R P JEDRUCH
“Lance Corporal Jedruch was struck on the head and killed by a helicopter blade whilst he was meeting his Company Commander on one of the OPs overlooking South Armagh.”