1810 - 43rd and 52nd - General Craufurd's Light Brigade converted into the Light Division.
1918 –2/1st Bucks Bn - Marched to CURCHY and HERLY for disbandment, and became the 25th Entrenching Battalion.
1919 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – ZONS.
A Regimental Board composed as under: Capt & Bt Major R B Crosse, D.S.O., Capt E H Whitfeld,M.C., Lt E H Vigars, D Coy examined 14 officers in Riding, and noted the greater number for further instruction. (This instruction was carried on daily, on weekdays, for one hour, from Mon.24.2.19. till the horses were handed over).
Capt E H Whitfeld M.C. took over from Major J J Powell the following duties: President Regimental Institutes; President Regimental Athletic and Amusements Club; and President Officers Mess.
Capt. (A/Major) J J Powell who had been appointed “Major in Hdqrs" or Second in Command on 7.9.18. left the Regiment to the great regret of all ranks, to take up the appointment of Adjutant of the Depot.
1919 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – MAGLIO.
Nothing Unusual.
Ration Strength: 11 Officers 125 OR. Casualties: NIL.