1814 - 43rd and 52nd - The Light Division marching from Sala towards Orthes (Peninsula).
1918 –1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Euphrates Operations; marched from MADHIJ to RAMADI.
The Regiment was relieved, on a further redistribution of the front, by parts of the 1st King's (6th Infantry Brigade),lst Royal Berkshire (99th Brigade), 17th Royal Fusiliers (6th Brigade), and proceeded to relieve the 2nd Battalion Royal Marine Light Infantry, with H.Q. and 3 companies, while B Company relieved C Company, 1st Battalion R.M.L.I., 63rd (R.N.) Division, in Apex Lane, as Right Support to the Battalion in the Line.
This came about as follows: The Divisional front from three sub-sectors (VACQUERIE Right, Centre, and Left) was reorganized in two sub-sectors (VACQUERIE Right and Centre), the Division withdrawing from the old centre the 5th Infantry Brigade and with it taking over a new VACQUERIE Left, i.e., an indefinite front line in front of the support line APEX LANE—SAILOR RESERVE, which measured rather over 2,000 yards, to be held by 9 Platoon Posts.
The Support Battalion, which the Regiment thus became in this new VACQUERIE Left, were distributed about the old HINDENBURG System—WOOD TRENCH and WOOD SUPPORT, astride the COUILLET VALLEY. Work was begun on making the position fightable in and a certain amount of fire-stepping and wiring was carried out.
Casualties: Wounded = 1 Man.
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - PAESE.
Battalion paraded at 9am for Brigade Training-scheme-Bde resuming march through its Outposts after a halt for 1 night during an advance.
Battalion finding Advance Guard – special scheme – practising 3 rearguards marching along parallel roads.
GOC Division lectured all Officers on OUTPOSTS at 5pm at PAESE.
Ration Strength: 35 Officers 809 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 – 6th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Disbandment.
Officers, Warrant Officers, C.-Q.-M.-Sergeants, Orderly Room and Signalling Sergeants moved, by train, from Godewaersvelde station to "D" Infantry Base Depot, Rouen; while all other Details proceeded, by march route, to join No. 14 Entrenching Battalion at Wippenhoek.
1945 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
On the 21st the 52nd was relieved and journeyed by road, train and aeroplane to England, arriving at Bulford on the 28th February.