1862 – 43rd LI – Left Madras for Calcutta.
1900 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – Engaged with the Boers at Klip Drift.
1916 – Provisional Bn. (of 1st Bn.), 400 strong, joined the force for relief of Kut at Wadi.
The Regiment relieved the 24th (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers in what had now become known as VACQUERIE Centre Sub-section of the 2nd Divisional Front;
B Company took over the Right Front;
C Company the Left Front;
D Company were in Support;
A Company in Reserve.
Regimental H.Q. in MONUMENT RAVINE.
Six very pleasant, enjoyable, and quiet days (save for two trench-mortar bombardments of the front line) passed without incident. The weather enabled full use to be made of the trenches as thoroughfares, thereby yielding the advantages of (a) Free movement all over the area by day; (b) Being able to avoid overland movement, which resulted in reduced shelling.
The area was taken over was difficult to find the way about, in that trenches were labelled, either not at all, or so that they did not agree either with the official maps the Divisional scheme. To some extent this was rectified.
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - PAESE.
Coys Training and Bathing.
1 Coy at work on Transport Lines making camps for protection of horses against bombs.
LT COL L L C REYNOLDS returned from BDE & resumed Command of Battn.
Ration Strength: 32 Officers 800 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 2/1st Bucks Bn - To Support in SAVY WOOD.
1918 –2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI To Support in HOLNON WOOD