1887 - 1st Bn Oxf LI – 43rd arrived at Shorncliffe after 14 1/2 years in India.
1900 - 1st Bn Oxf LI - ordered to take part in the invasion of the Orange Free State.(Boer War)
The billets were shelled in two bursts at 3.30 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. There were no casualties, although several shells came unpleasantly close to where men were quartered. Permission was asked for, and given, for the position of the Reserve Battalion to be changed, and at about 3 p.m. the Regiment marched by companies except A Coy, which remained in Metz till 12th owing to having to find a working party, to a new camp, pitched in irregular formation on both sides of the METZ-EQUANCOURT cross-country track, about three-quarters of a mile clear of Metz.
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion-CASCORBA & VICILIESE.
Battalion attended Church Parade during the Morning.
Guard from G.H.Q. Ammunition Dump returned.
2nd LIEUT FLEEMING returned from ROME Leave.
Ration Strength: 31 Officers 739 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
The Regiment remained in reserve, moving forward behind the advancing Welshmen.