1833 - 52nd - relieved 43rd at Beggar's Bush Barracks, Dublin.
1885 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – Khaki clothing taken into wear on all regimental duties, fatigues etc.
The Regiment was in billets and shelters; Divisional Reserve being 5th Infantry Brigade.
Days were spent completing bathing and in various Brigade and Divisional Working Parties which at times it was very difficult to find at full strength.
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - ALBEREDO.
Coys Training.
Another foggy day.
Commanding Officer motored to G.H.Q. training area to see ground to be worked over later.
Ration Strength: 34 Officers 745 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 – 6th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To front-line trenches.
The Battalion moved to the front line, taking over the right sub-sector of the Brigade front from the 6th K.S.L.I.; C Company south and D north of the Menin Road; B in No. 6 strong point, and A in No. 5 strong point. No supports. H.Q. at J.20.b.50.35. Working-parties digging M.L.R. between strong points. Patrols obtained and maintained touch with the 12th K.R.R.C. on the left and the 7th Somersets on the right. The wire was also patrolled, but no sign of the enemy seen. Owing to the darkness of the night the relief was not completed until 10.15 p.m. No casualties.
Lieut.-Colonel Boyle, D.S.O., received intimation that the Battalion was shortly to be disbanded, in accordance with the new scheme of reorganization decided on by G.H.Q, Officers and other ranks are to be posted to other battalions of the Regiment. Transport to remain complete under Brigade charge. Lieut.-Colonel Boyle's leave cancelled.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
On the 1st February the Regiment received orders for the attack into the Reichswald.