1837 - 43rd - reached Dedingee Settlement, thermometer below zero. (Canada)
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – MONT JOIE to SCHMIDT.
0820 – The Regiment marched via INGENBROICH – SIMMERATH – STRAUCH to very scattered billets. HeadQuarters, A & D Coys in KOMMERSCHMEIDT and C Coy in HARSCHMEIDT. There was a halt for tea just North and clear of STRAUCH: rain fell continuously during the march, everyone was wet through and many old soldiers said it was the wettest day they had known. In many cases men in all companies were so billeted that having one fire among only 4 or 5 made getting clothes dry to some extent possible.
Before marching off Officers Commanding Companies were told that their companies must march either in Jerkins or in the “Mark VII” Waterproof Capes. Only B Coy chose the former and kept to it, and were copied by C Coy next day – but both orders of dress have much to be said for and against.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – MAGLIO.
Nothing Unusual.
Ration Strength: 18 Officers 613 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1924- Buckinghamshire Battalion - WOLVERTON.
Lord Cottesloe, Lord Lieutenant of the County, and Hon. Colonel of the Battalion, unveiled a Memorial Tablet in the Wolverton Drill Hall to the memory of the men of the Wolverton Company in the lst and 2nd Bucks Battalions who fell in the war.
1962 – 1st GREEN JACKETS (43rd & 52nd) - SARAWAK
Letters "B" and "C" Companies successfully retook the villages of Bekenu and Niah, which had been held by rebels.