1806 – 52nd – landed in Sicily.
1915 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - in the Garrison at the Commencement of Siege of Kut,
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – HARZE to STOUMONT.
0800. The Regiment passed the South End of the Village, fixed as the Regimental Starting Point to march via HOUSSONLOGE – LORCE – valley road along North side of railway – STOUMONT STATION – TARGNON – to billets in STOUMONT. There was a long halt East of LORCE where tea was issued at 10.00. After this halt a “Slow Party” was formed but nobody fell out. First Line Transport followed in rear of the Regiment; Tram Transport moved separately under the Brigade Transport Officer.
Roads good but pace slow by reason of steep hills. The regiment arrived in billets at 12.45.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – MAGLIO.
Battalion Paraded at 10.15 for Memorial Service for those Officers, NCOs & Men who have fallen in the War. – Held in PALTORY, MAGLIO.
2/LT R.C.F. CAULFIELD & G.A. FISHER proceeded on Leave.
Nothing Unusual.
Ration Strength: 20 Officers 646 OR. Casualties: NIL.