1806 – 52nd – landed in Sicily.
1915 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - in the Garrison at the Commencement of Siege of Kut,
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – Near HERMIES.
The 91st reinforcement 23 Rank and File (9435 L/Sgt Timms) joined.
Orders were received that the Regiment would be relieved by the 13th Essex Regiment of 6th Infantry Brigade. As this about to begin, some commotion occurred by the rounding-up of a post in the K.3.c. slag-heap, in the outpost line, whose garrison of the 17th Royal Fusiliers, fortunately eluded superior numbers of the enemy and escaped.
Two companies, A and D were required to move forward and A Coy from LOCK 7 was all but required to do an operation which, it is understood, was to result in the retaking of the post.
This plan being abandoned the relief proceeded a miserably cold, wet night; the companies marched very well into LE BOCQUIERE, Headquarters and A Company being in huts in the village; B, C, and D Companies in O'SHEA Camp in tents, whence they moved on the afternoon of the 9th to huts about 100 yards further West and were infinitely more comfortable.
Casualties: 1 man in D Coy Wounded.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - VILLA DEL CONTE.
All Coys training during the Morning and Afternoon.
Ration Strength 31 Officers 846 OR.
Casualties 2 OR to hospital (sick)
1917 – 5th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Moved by rail to CALIFORNIA CAMP and ST JEAN (YPRES)