1776 - 52nd - left New York with expedition to Rhode Island.
1852 – 43rd – camp in South Africa struck by lightening, 2 men killed and 19 injured.
1900 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – detachment at Gottenburg lost 1 man killed and 4 men wounded.(Boer War).
2.30 a.m. the Regiment moved into close support of the left battalion (1/60th Rifles(1st K.R.R.C.)) of the right Infantry Brigade (99th) of the 2nd Division, being located: A, B, and D Companies in Kangaroo Alley; H.Q. (joint with the 1/60th Rifles((1st K.R.R.C.)) in E.28.d.45.90;) and C Company in the Hindenburg Support Trench.
7.30 p.m. The Regiment began to relieve the 1/60th Rifles((1st K.R.R.C.))., which relief amounted to an exchange of position of companies, both H.Q. standing fast.
C Company took over the Right Front Line and Strong Points 1, 2, and 3 in process of construction;
B the Left Front Line and Strong Points 4 and 5 in like condition;
A stood fast; and D Company moved farther west, down Kangaroo Alley.
The front line consisted of an untraversed and painfully broad and shallow communication trench, but the strength of the position lay in the excellently sited posts in rear, which, with the aid of one company of the 10th D.C.L.I. (Pioneers), who worked excellently, nightly during the tour, a continuous line was left on 4/5.12.17.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - ROVEREDO.
(MAP Ref ITALY ROVIGO 1/100,00)
Moved to POJANA MAGGIORE, starting at 10am.
Good Billets.
Wagons made second journey for blankets.
Very Fine.
Coys and Transport paraded at 11am and marched to AGUGLIARO (about 10 miles NNE of ESTE).
There was a halt of 2 hrs during the day when billeting party was sent on and men had dinners.
The men were very heavily loaded having had 1 and a half days rations and a blanket to carry in addition to their normal kit.
Billets were reached at 5pm.
The village was already occupied by half 1/5th GLOSTERS.
Men’s billets Good.
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Quentin Ridge – BATTLE OF CAMBRAI
At 9 a.m enemy counter-attacked for Connelieu in N.W. direction.
All Coy’s held firmly but some troops on the left gave way and it looked as though the flank would be turned. The C.O. collected various units and established a line from Quarry in R.25.d. across to end of Flag Ravine thence N.E. “A” Coy. then threw the left back to main road as a defensive flank. The situation remained thus during the day and except for occasional sniping was quiet.
At dusk Companies withdrew from the line which was taken over Guards Bgde.
Companies were disposed at night in trenches around R.19.d. and remained in that position during the following day
At 5 a.m. on receipt of orders the Battalion moved back to a camp at Sorrel
1917 - 2/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – To Fins CAMBRAI SECTOR
1917 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI– To Fins CAMBRAI SECTOR
1917 – 7th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To TERTRE VERT.