1884 - 52nd - arrived at Gibraltar on its 3rd visit.
One (patrol) in daylight on 20th unfortunately cost the life of an Officer T/2Lt J P Sears who about 9.45AM asked permission to work forward from the line of the Left Front Company ( C Coy Capt Bobby MC which had relieved D Coy Capt Eagle the night before) to obtain better observation of the ground to the front.
This was allowed and the Objective reconnoitered was given as the Outpost Line and a covering party posted.
About 11.15AM the patrol was seen by the enemy who, contrary to expectations, were holding a post in the sunken AYETTE – MOYENNEVILLE Road which crossed the front. This post fired on our patrol and was engaged from a flank.
The patrol withdrew slightly during which 2/Lt Sears was twice hit, he died from his wounds a few minutes later.
The two NCOs (Cpl Hollyoake and LCpl Lee) who went with him remained out until dark. The body was subsequently buried in rear of our old front line.
6AM – At a conference of Commanding Officers at HeadQuarters, Right Battalion the plan of operations which were to begin tomorrow was disclosed by the Brigadier General and Orders were given verbally to the Commanding Officer and the OC 2nd Highland Light Infantry.
Briefly these were to the following effect:-
The Regiment would be relieved before Zero Hour (4.55AM tomorrow 21.8.18) by attacking troops of the Guards Division and would on relief occupy the area of trenches Hameau Switch front and support lines East of the Adinfer – Ransart Road.
Major Field MC, Lt Horley and representatives (NCOs) of OC Companies proceeded during the afternoon to reconnoitre this area and allot accommodation to Companies and the move was effected about 3-5AM without incident.
Regimental HeadQuarters were established in Hameau Farm and a forward echelon of Transport, Lewis Gun Limbers, Cookers and Water Carts in a valley just in rear of the Companies. Greatcoats were sent to Pommier in Section Bundles, an extra bandolier per man was issued and rations and water brought up.
The Brigade was attached to the Guards Division and was placed in Divisional Reserve and the regiment warned to be ready to move immediately to act in one of several alternative ways: the whole detail being given in 5th Infantry Brigade Order 318 and Addendum I thereto d/20.8.18. filed with the Regimental Office Copy of this diary.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – KABERLABA.
Fairly Quiet Day.
B Coy sent out Patrol during the Night but NO enemy were encountered.
Ration Strength: 25 Officers 582 OR. Casualties: 1 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To CHAPELLE BOOM.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI –GONNEVILLE & MERVILLE. Normandy
The Regt was ordered to concentrate at ST RICHER 2069, this was completed by 2130 hrs.
At 2300 hrs the Comd Offr received orders to stand by to move.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (Normandy):-
0930 - CO and QM go to 1 Corps.
On way over are met by agitated off from Airborne who states that General Gale urgently wants to see them.
Arrive at HQ Airborne to find that they want all our tpt and carriers for load carrying.
CO explains it cannot be done as we have just had another order to hand them all in.
CO and QM proceed to 1 Corps, see DDOS and it is there arranged that stores need only be handed in as and when we like and if we like.
The following infm is also obtained
(i) Our future is likely to be garrison duties
(ii) 21 Army Gp are now preparing a minimum cadre for the Bn - nos not yet specified
(iii) There will be no further drafts till our future is settled, and the minimum cadre agreed (iv) We will remain in present location until further notice.
1500 - Lt Col Gore, G1 Ops 21 Army Gp arrived to enquire if we had yet withdrawn all our men from Airborne Div.
Explained that they had been withdrawn a week ago and since sent on draft.
21 Army Gp it appears knew nothing of this and were extremely surprised as we are apparently directly under 21 Army Gp and not 1 Corps.
He hinted that we might be returned to OUISTREHAM in our original role of guarding the docks and that we would become a garrison unit later.
2300 - Started to rain hard and continued raining throughout the night.
Enemy AC overhead. AA opened up - no bombs in our area.
1956 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (43rd & 52nd) - arrived in Cyprus.