1884 - 52nd - left Ireland for Gibraltar.
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Moved to Assembly Trenches for attack on LANGEMARCK. (YPRES).
The Regiment relieved the 24th (S) Royal Fusiliers in the area of Left Front Battalion.
Companies being distributed as under:-
Right Front – B Coy
Left Front – D Coy
Support – C Coy
Reserve – A Coy
Relief effected without incident.
Today a double change occurred which caused very great regret throughout the Regiment in that the Reverend E M Guildford MC CF who had been Chaplain (CofE) to, and lived with the Regiment since November 1916 was transferred to HeadQuarters, 2nd Division in place of the Rev H L Hornby MC CF, transferred to HeadQuarters 3rd Army.
These two clergymen in their respective capacities were greatly beloved by the troops and their work very deeply appreciated by all ranks.
To Mr Guildford the Regiment owes its very prosperous Field Canteen.
The period in the Front Line commencing August 15 is noteworthy for the increased vigilance necessary to ensure that the enemy did not withdraw unobserved, there being indications, quite beyond doubt, that he would do so, and had done so further South.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – KABERLABA.
Quiet Day.
All Coys working on Trenches during the Night.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 566 OR. Casualties: 2 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL. Normandy
'B' Coy returned to their posns in the WOOD 140737 this morning, relieving the Dutch Coy who had been ordered to take over another Coy area further North.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (Normandy):-
By 1800 hrs the whole Battalion had been transported to the new position, which was actually just outside Cresserons in a small village called Plumetot, which had figured in the original first key plan of the beach maintenance area.
Just before the headquarters were closed down at Ouistreham a telephone call was received from I Corps saying we were expected to provide a further draft of eight officers and one hundred other ranks for the 1st Black Watch by 1900 hrs. that night. Without soliciting anyone’s advice the adjutant stated that it could not be done, as the Battalion was on the move, but guaranteed to have the draft ready by 1100 hrs. the following day, the 16th August. This was agreed.
0800 - Arrangements made with 6 Airborne Div to withdraw 'B' Coy, Carrier Pl, & A tk Pl from line in view of move. QM sent to recce new area.
1600 - Bn moves by Coys to new location.
1615 - Warned by 1 Corps that we are expected to find further draft of 8 offrs and 100 ORs by 1900 hrs tonight. Reply quite impossible in view of move. Finally arranged that draft will be ready by 1100 hrs 16 Aug 44.
1800 - Settling in at new area in orchard and fields.
1900 - Conference of Coy Comds. Decided that draft to be found from 'C' Coy (2 Pls) and 'D' Coy (1 Pl). Offr question still in abeyance.
1905 - 1 Corps state only 3 offrs now required - all subalterns.
1910 - Offrs selected, 2/Lt R.C.B.M. Viney, Lt D.A. Chatham, Lt J.C. Soulsby. This now cleans out 'D' Coy and posn is 'A' and 'D' Coys - HQs only, 'C' Coy - 1 Pl and HQ, 'B' Coy still complete.
PM - Lt R.D. Moore promoted A/Capt in lieu of Capt Hope posted with previous draft. Thunderstorm and heavy rain starts - continues to approx 2300 hrs. All bivouacs etc flooded. Morale low!
1963 – 1st Green Jackets 43rd & 52nd – Disembarked to Sarawak & Brunei.(2nd tour)