1857 – 52nd – took part in Siege of Delhi (Indian Mutiny).
1914 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI disembarked at Boulogne.
The Regiment moved about 6PM and took over Reserve Battalion Area once more from 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry (who then relieved the battalion of 319th Infantry USA in the area of Right Front Battalion).
The time at Humbercamp was very enjoyable and profitable .
Companies were clear of the Trench System and in billets for the first time since June 7th and the weather left nothing to be desired. The benefit derived was in proportion.
On August 13th the fourth anniversary of the embarkation of the regiment for France, the occasion was marked by a Commanding Officers Parade in the morning when the regiment was reminded of the day and by a concert by the Divisional Troupe in the New Theatre, Humbercamp, which had been specially engaged for the Regiment.
In addition the Corps Theatre at Saulty was engaged and used by the Regiment on
Sat 10th – C & D Coys
Mon 12th – A & B Coys
In each case marching there and back with music.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – KABERLABA.
Quiet Day.
Coys had battle practise during the day - A Coy 10am and B, C and D at 9pm.
Coys working on Trenches, camouflaging etc during the Night.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 562 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To NIEPPE FOREST CAMP.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL. Normandy
No.8 (MMG) Pl carried out an indirect fire shoot on to suspected enemy res posns and rest areas. The enemy reacted by mortaring the Dutchmen on our left. The Mortar Pl put down harassing fire on to the enemy rear areas as well as the usual Bde counter-mortar concs.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
AM - Normal routine. No infm can be obtained as to the likelihood of further drafts in the near future. 'A' Coy move in with 'D' Coy.
PM - Shelling commences again. No damage or casualties. Mortar bomb causes damage in Carrier Pl area. Landed close to 2IC Pl and 2 Sjts. One Sjt (L/S Smith R.) committed to hospital, other two minor wounds, remain with Bn on duty.
2350 - Notified by 1 Corps that Bn is to move to CRESSERONS Map ref 042793.