1762 - 43rd - at the capture of Havannah.
1858 – 43rd – engaged at Chitrakote (Indian Mutiny).
Four years ago today the Regiment embarked for France. Of those whom embarked with it then there are at present now 3 Officers ( Commanding Officer, Second in Command & QuarterMaster), and 69 others, of whom 1 Officer and 44 Others have served continuously in France since 13.8.14.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – KABERLABA.
About 4.30am the enemy nervous as a result of recent Raids put up S.O.S. Barrage Fire, MG and Rifle fire were maintained for nearly an hour along a very wide front.
During Afternoon and early part of Night the Battalion was relieved by 1/4th R BERKS coming into Support in the Main Line.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 561 OR.
Casualties: 1 OR Wounded and 3 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL. Normandy
Enemy mortars and arty less active.
R.A.P. moved to same building as 45 RM Commando R.A.P. at 133725.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
0030 - Conference held. Decided that 'A' Coy should go complete less Coy HQ and Coy Comd. Allowing for halt and sick etc 'A' Coy could muster 90 bodies. Balance of 60 accordingly provided by 2 Pls (complete) of 'D' Coy. Offrs were to be Capt Hope, Lt Hands of 'A' Coy, and as there are no subalterns as present in 'D' Coy, Lt Shilling from 'C' Coy was chosen.
0100 - 1 Corps phoned to say must be ready by 1400 hrs and NOT 1000 hrs.
0130 -Airborne agreed that guards supplied by 'A' and 'D' Coys on bridges shall be abandoned at dawn.
0600 - Bridge guards dismounted.
0700 - Bn tpt lifted 'A' and 'D' Coys back to original billets.
0900 - Comd Offr saw 1 Corps to try and obtain future policy regarding drafting and our operational role here. Nothing concrete available.
1400 - Draft leaves. On the whole men in excellent spirits knowing that they are going to 51st Div. The men have known for some time that we were likely to supply drafts so this was not altogether unexpected.
1500 - Lt Dunkley finally posted to CMP. No 241 HQ Pro Coy (5 Beach Gp).
Conference Coy Comds. All Coy comds told of present posn and Bn policy as far as known. Decided to eliminate Coy by Coy where possible rather than Pls from each Coy.