1847 - 52nd - landed at Portsmouth after 11 years foreign service.
Companies at work under their Captains.
Bivouacking and Skirmishing exercises having been ordered to be included in the mornings work.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – KABERLABA.
Some Shelling on SPOT TRACK during the Evening.
CODA SPUR was Patrolled during the Night but NO enemy seen.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 566 OR. Casualties: 2 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1918 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To Support Positions.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL. Normandy
'B' Coy were relieved by a "Coy Gp" of the Royal Netherlands Bde and went into Bn res just West of R.H.Q. 'A' and 'D' Coys changed over Coy areas. Enemy mortars and arty more active than usual, obtaining direct hits on buildings occupied by R.H.Q. 'A' and 'H' Coy HQs. Eight casualties incurred during the day.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
Rev Duplock Padre (C of E) to local AA unit is ministering to Bn in place of Rev Dix.
AM - Shelling on docks.
PM - Normal routine.
2230 - Advised by 1 Corps that the Bn has to supply draft of 3 officers (incl 1 Capt) 150 ORs to 7 Argylls tomorrow morning at 1000 hrs. The blow, long awaited, has therefore at last fallen.
Comd Offr decided, in view of operational commitments (ie 'B' 'C' and 'S' Coys in line) to draft from 'A' and 'D' Coys.
6 Airborne Div confirmed that this must be as others could not be released in time.
Conference 'A' and 'D' Coy Comds called for 0030 hrs.