1812 - After Salamanca, the Light Division at the head of the Army, marched on Madrid.
1880 – 52nd – Moved from Aldershot to Chatham.
1933 – 4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Annual Camp – WINDMILL HILL.
1933 – Buckinghamshire Battalion – Annual Camp – WINDMILL HILL.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE & AMFREVILLE-Normandy
Enemy mortars less active last night. The Bde counter-mortar org was in action for the first time today, firing 36 mortars of the Bde as one bty; the results were excellent. At 2100 hrs 'A' Coy snipers reported that a party of about 40 Germans had moved into the orchard 144752 and had started digging in. They were engaged by the Bde mortars and the Lt Arty.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
Normal routine. No shelling to speak of just the odd one or two now and then.
1500 - Visit of Comd 1 Corps to Bn HQ. Only paid flying visit, stayed 10 mins.
1600 - Received instructions that further coy and 2 pls required the other side of R ORNE with effect 7 Aug 44.
Comd Offr decided to withdraw 'A' Coy from YORK BRIDGE and put in 'D' Coy there (50 men) and put whole of 'A' Coy into this new posn. Coy to come under 6 Airborne Div delegated to 49 Recce Regt and act as a sort of long-stop to the regt. Probable duration of stay said to be 3 days.