1868 - 43rd - arrived in the Channel Islands from Aldershot.
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI.
2Lt T B Baines joined for duty and was posted to B Coy.
Notification received of the escape of 32525 LCpl Hubbard C Coy (Missing and taken prisoner 24.3.18.)
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – GRANEZZA.
Divisional Reserve.
Battalion all on Woking Parties, the majority clearing Snow on PRIA DEL ACQUA – MONTE BOSCON Road.
A little rain in the Evening.
Ration Strength: 36 Officers 750 OR. Casualties: 1 OR to Hospital.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
Halted in Guyhum.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Ebsdorf
Fine weather continues.
The Brigade Commander spent the morning looking at the training & other activities within the Regiment.
Football & Films in the evening.
1953 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (43rd & 52nd) - The Regiment disembarked at Southampton and moved by rail to Chisledon Camp near Swindon.