1885 – 1st Bn Oxfordshire LI – left Kurrachee (Sind) by rail for Bolan Pass.
1917 - 5th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - heavily engaged -First battle of the Scarpe (Arras).
1917 - 5th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – ARRAS - ATTACK ON THE HARP.
The Battalion left the caves at 9 p.m., and was in position in the Assembly Trenches by 12 midnight. At 7.34 a.m. the advance began……..
There was a certain amount of resistance from the back of Telegraph Work and the string of the Harp, but the Germans gave themselves up as soon as our men reached them. About 50 Germans were captured here…….
As soon as both objectives had been reached consolidation was at once commenced……
It is impossible to state accurately the number of prisoners taken by us, but it is estimated there were about 100. Three machine-guns were also captured.
Our casualties were roughly 5 officers killed, 7 wounded, and about 180 other ranks.
Lt T Walker assumed the duties of Band President.
In the morning the Regiment received orders to move to billets in LE SOUICH and marched at 2.30PM by the same route reversed. C, D and part of Headquarters Companies were actually in rather indifferent billets in Brevillers: the remainder of the Regiment was in Le Souich.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – S URBANO VIGO MONTE DI SOVIZZO.
All employed men (on Bn HQ & Transport) carried out 2 hours Training.
Ration Strength: 26 Officers 753 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
The Regiment had the task of protecting the main route of the corps axis of advance.
Relieved of this duty on the 9th by troops of the 52nd Division, the Regiment concentrated at Lemforde (4330) ready to advance again.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Winzlar
A fine day, very suitable for the maintenance & cleaning up which we need. We are told we shall be here for at least 48 hrs. Received a draft of reinforcements - over 100 of them.
1964 – 1st Green Jackets 43rd & 52nd - The Regiment was complete in Montgomery Barracks, Berlin.