1812 - 43rd and 52nd - Storming of Badajoz - 43rd and 52nd engaged (Peninsula)
1916 - Provisional Bn (Later 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI) - at the first attack on Sanna-y-at; casualties, 12 Officers and 250 men.(Mesopotamia)
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
Eventually C and D Companies started the attack at 0500 hrs. behind a series of artillery concentrations.
They were met by intense but extraordinarily inaccurate small-arms fire, and by first light had established themselves on their objectives, and A and B Companies had advanced through and beyond.
"Never," said the officer commanding B Company, "had so many bullets been fired with so little effect"—surprising, since the opposition were officers and N.C.Os. from a training school.
During the afternoon the 1st East Lancashire Regiment passed through the Regiment and continued to drive the enemy towards the Ems—Weser Canal.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Wietersheim
0700 - "A" Coy attacked a position containing 6 Heavy Flak guns on railway mountings at 862163.
C Coy came across, also the remainder of the transport.
C Coy took position around road junction 836165.
The day generally was quiet, except for occasional ineffective fire from an SP gun.
During the night A & D Coy's reported hearing enemy movement including tracked vehicles to the East.
Mortars and artillery engaged DF Tasks.
Patrols made no contact.