1815 - 1st Bn. 52nd under orders for North America, afterwards changed to Belgium, embarked at Portsmouth. (Waterloo campaign)
1831 – 52nd – Embarked at Bristol for Waterford (Ireland).
1917 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – FONTAINE-SUR-MAYE.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BRESLE
Battn in Billets. –
Companies carried out Training.
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – From trenches to BRONFAY CAMP.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - North West Europe
A and D Companies led the attack and C Company was to push patrols to the far edge of the two woods when A and D had won their objectives. Each of the leading companies had a troop of tanks from the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry in support. H hour was 1330 hrs on the 4th.
A and D Companies met little resistance and about twenty prisoners were taken and a number of Germans killed. The dead included the commander of Battle Group Schaeber. Two carriers received direct hits from enemy mortars, whose observer was discovered directing fire after the attack had overrun him. The observation post was quickly dealt with. A Company had some difficulty in clearing its objective of snipers.
A local counter-attack upon D Company's position was repulsed with heavy casualties, including the officer commanding the force. During this counter-attack D Company's commander, Major E. C. Vicker, was killed. Captain D. C. Taylor, who had already been wounded earlier in the attack, returned to take command until the following morning.
1945 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - North West Europe
C Company (Major Granville) was detached to Bure to help the 13th Parachute Battalion (Lieutenant-Colonel P. Luard, D.S.O.), while the rest of the Regiment moved to Resteigne as reserve to the 5th Parachute Battalion