1815 - 52nd, after a stay of two months, marched out of Paris and went into quarters at Versailles.
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -ANNEQUIN
8.30am. The Regiment Paraded to take over from 1/Queens Regt Z.1. Subsector from BOYAU R.1. inclusive 100 yards North of Railway at A.22.c.5.2 to BOYAU 15 Inclusive (Trench Map Sheet 36c N.W.1.).
Each company found 2 platoons in the Front Line and 2 in Support.D and C Coys finding the garrisons for SIMS and ARTHUR KEEPS respectively each of one platoon.
Order of Companies from Right to Left A, D, B, C.
The German Line was approximately 200-300 yards distant.
Opposite Boyau 5 was a crater. Here we had sapped out and were about 50 yards distant from enemy’s Saphead.
The weather had been very wet and the trenches were in an extremely bad state. A great deal of building up revetting and trench flooring was necessary before the trenches became habitable.
170 pairs of “Gum boots, thigh” were issued and found very serviceable.
Nothing happened to stop work on this day.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
Battalion in Trenches.
B Coy 10/R INNISKILLINGS left trenches 10.30am.
Quiet Day – Wet Day.
All men busy repairing trenches.