1815 - 52nd - in bivouac at Argenteuil, on the Seine, on the outskirts of Paris.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – VILLERS-AU-BOIS
(Sunday) To Trenches in 2 Division. Carency (2) Sub-Sector in relief of 17th Royal Fusiliers.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – MAILLY-MAILLET
Battalion in Bivouacs.
BUCKS BATTN remained here in Divisional Reserve to a proposed offensive of the 8th, 144th & 145th Inf Bdes on July 3rd. – Such offensive was subsequently cancelled owing to a change in the situation.
1916 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI –Bivouacs MAILLY-MAILLET.
7AM - Bulletin received from which it appears that while French on the SOMME, & Southern Corps of 4th Army have made good progress, the Northern Corps of 4th Army including VIII Corps have made no progress.
9.30AM - Commanding Officer & Adjutant sent for to Bde HQ and preliminary orders issued to the effect that the Brigade would attack & capture the 1st 3 lines of German trenches N of ANCRE at dawn July 3rd. CO & Intelligence Officer – 2nd/Lt C.E. SMITH – went off to MESNIL to reconnoitre trenches from which Bde would attack.
2.30PM - Capt. PICKFORD returned from hospital.
One new Officer 2/Lt CARTER A.W. 5thMiddlesex Rgt joined the Battn & posted to D Coy.
5.30PM - Orders for attack issued.
7PM - Battn moved off, followed by BERKS & GLOSTERS. 5% of men & the surplus Officers [over 22] left behind at MAILLY, where packs also stacked.
Battn marched via ENGLEBELMER, MARTINSART, to MESNIL which was reached at dark.
Battalion formed up under bank along road leading N from MESNIL.
Bombing party under 2/Lt WRONG, went with R. BERKS up to HAMEL.
11.30PM - Operation orders cancelled.
Battns moved back to Bivouacs independently, reaching them about dawn.
One man hit by heavy shrapnel burst over MESNIL.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE.
At 0100 hrs. the Regts mortars put down a concentration as part of a fire preparation for a raid by 12 Devons. Letter D Coy mortars received two casualties from enemy counter mortar shoot. The enemy reaction to the preparation was mainly concentrated on Letter C Coy’s area & directed mainly against our MMG section which was supporting them. The enemy used many flares & MGs but very little mortars or shell fire, the use of his MGs on this occasion helped us to accurately plot their positions & was thus of great value in planning the Regts raid for tomorrow night. At 0200 hrs a rehearsal of the mortars & arty supporting fire for the next nights raid took place, with the object of discovering the enemy's reactions and also to mislead them into thinking that no infantry attack would follow the mortar & artillery preparation when the raid took place. The enemy reaction was very weak consisting only of slight shelling and mortaring over Letters A & D Coys areas. The raiding party spent the day making their final preparations, and the day passed quietly.