1813 – 43rd and 52nd - The Light Division in pursuit of the French after Vittoria,
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – BETHUNE.
The Regiment relieved the 2/4th East Lancashire Regiment (T.F.) 198th Infantry Brigade, 66th Division in the “Canal Right” Subsection of the Divisional front the 23rd Royal Fusiliers off 99th Infantry Brigade being on the Right (i.e. in Cambrin Left Subsector) and the 2/H.L.I. on the Left (i.e. in Canal Centre Subsector).
The regimental front extended from VERMELLES – LA BASSEE ROAD (BOYAU 15 or BURBURE ALLEY) on the Right to the BETHUNE – LA BASSEE ROAD exclusive on the Left.
This was taken over with 2 companies, B on the Right, C on the left, D Coy in immediate support on the line KINGSWAY (LATE KINGSBURY) TRENCH – TOWER RESERVE TRENCH and A Coy in Support in the Village Line between its junctions with MAISON ROUGE ALLEY and WILSONS WAY.
The feature of the area were from long tunnels.
WILSONS TUNNELS, ROBERTSONS TUNNEL, LANE TUNNEL (not taken over or held) and MILL TUNNEL which went under the Mill, erroneously described as “Tower” just South of the Bethune-La Bassee Road.
A regular system of reliefs and interchange of companies, Officers and N.C.O.s up to 6.7.17 (probable date of relief) was drawn up and put into operation such that each company spent 2 out of every 8 days in Support i.e. in Village Line whence baths at Annequin were accessible, each company bathing and re-underclothed once in 8 days.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BATTALION IN RESERVE.
Battn in Reserve –
Battn Resting
Ration Strength: 22 Officers 614 OR.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL.
Another quiet day, the troops are already showing some benefit from their sleep.
All men had a rough bath during the day.
Intermittent mortar & shell fire continues but does not seriously interfere with rest now.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion:- NORMANDY.
The remainder of the Battalion moved into Ouistreham and Riva Bella and complete responsibility for the ground and air defence of the locks (the local anti-aircraft was placed under our command) was assumed. So for all practical purposes, after only twelve days of active operations, No. 6 Beach Group ceased to exist, although it continued to live on paper for another three weeks, and the Battalion reverted to an infantry role.