1915 – 1st Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI. engaged in the capture of Turkish positions on the Tigris.
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - In Trenches Near MAZINGARBE
1915 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - PLOEGSTEERT WOOD
Bn in Trenches.
1 Coy of SCOTTISH RIFLES attached for instruction. 1 Platoon & Coy HQ to D Coy, 1 Platoon to A Coy, 2 Platoons to B Coy.
Quiet Day. Sniping more lively towards night & during night.
Bombarded enemy working party with 4 machine Guns at 10.30pm drew enemy’s rifle fire & did it again, ought to have done considerable damage.
Enemy shelled POEGSTEERT village in Afternoon, Bn Postman wounded by shrapnel on his way back to Transport.
2LT HOBART-HAMPDEN & 5 men wounded in D Coy, 2 from rifle grenades, other rifle bullets.
1944 - 1st Bucks Bn leaves Petworth and moves to Marshalling camps north of Portsmouth.
1949 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (43rd & 52nd) - The Regiment embarked at Southampton
in H.M.T. Dilwara for Salonika, Greece. The Regiment's strength at the time was 31 officers and 610 other ranks.