1863 - Field-Marshal Lord Seaton died.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – BULLY-GRENAY R.11.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BAYENCOURT
Battalion in Billets
All Coys Resting.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
Night attack began at 0030 hrs on the 17th. A Company secured the start line without incident and C Company moved forward with a half-squadron of Crocodiles and attacked a group of houses wherein all the Germans surrendered as quietly as possible.
D Company advanced through them without opposition and A Company did another leapfrog attack on to a cemetery. The slight opposition encountered was silenced by Bren fire and a flame-throwing Crocodile.
B Company finally moved up on to a ridge above Verden and the 1st Highland Light Infantry moved into the town without resistance. By tea time the Regiment too was in Verden. During the day 112 prisoners were taken.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Kahlstorf
Vehicle movement heard early in the morning. On the whole a quiet day.
One or two salvoes of Moaning Minnie.