1874 – 52nd – The Martini-Henry Rifle was issued to the Regiment and replaced the Snider breechloader with which it had been armed since January 1866.
1899 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – Moved to Aldershot and occupied Ramilies Barracks.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – WINNEZEELE.
A rather eventful and very interesting period now began and continued until relief of the regiment on the night December 8/9 which is why this diary is carried forward to that date.
9.30pm – The regiment paraded and marched via LE TEMPLE – RYVELD – main (Steenvorde – Cassel) Road – 1/4 mile East of L of CASSEL - M of HAMERHOUCK to Cassel Station. Properly called BAVINCHOVE, there to arrive at 12 midnight and commence entraining: destination unknown: detraining Station said to be GOUY-EN-ARTOIS (about 7 miles West South West ARRAS). Ream and rum issued at the Station.
1917 - 1/1st Bucks Bn - Left France for ltaly.
1917– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - TINQUES.
All Coys Training during the Morning.
Leading half of Bn left TINQUES at 7.30pm for SAVY Station to entrain.
Party consisted of Bn HQers A Coy, C Coy and 1/2 Transport.
Train left SAVY at 10.38pm 1 minute after time.
(From this point diary of 2 halves of Bn appear in parallel columns)
1917 – 7th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To Trenches Bowls Barrow – Glengarry (Salonika).