1808 – Sir John Moore commenced his march from Portugal into Spain.
1884 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – White Sword Knots were taken into wear by Officers.
The regiment paraded under Major BRETT at 8am to take part in a Brigade Exercise; returning to billets about 1.30pm.
During this period (1st-5th), except on Sunday, the Regiment carried out various forms of training.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - VILLERS-AU-BOIS.
The Bn prepared to march to the line at 11am. This however was altered, and the Bn entrained at LE PENDU SPUR (W.30.c.98.40) in 2 trains about 4pm.
Bn detrained at BON SUMMIT on main ARRAS – LENS Rd on VIMY RIDGE.
From there Bn marched by tracks and Communication Trenches to Brigade Reserve.
Dispositions as follows:-
Bn HQ in RAILWAY BANK T.26.a.3.8
D Coy (Bn Reserve) RAILWAY BANK T.26.a.30.98 – T.20.a.18.60
C Coy CANADA TRENCH T.21.a.55.40 – T.20.a.80.45
B Coy CANADA TRENCH T.21.d.25.85 – T.21.d.85.65
A Coy CANADA TRENCH T.21.d.85.65 – T.22.c.40.60
Q.M. Stores & Transport lines moved to LA TARGETTE.
A few details remained behind at VILLERS-AU-BOIS.
Relief completed about 9pm. Positions taken over from 1/8th WARWICKSHIRE REGT.
Casualties NIL
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – In Reserve at Dessart Wood.
1918 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Armistice with Turkey declared.
1918 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI and 1/1st Bucks Bn - Battle of Vittorio Veneto (Italy).
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI present - Battle of Valenciennes (France).