1837 – 52nd - Disembarked at Gibraltar (first visit)
1915 - 5th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI arrived in Boulogne from England.
0900 - A Coy went ashore for Drill on Football Ground
1400 - Leave parties from all units went ashore for exercise.
General Eisenhower, the supreme commander, inspected the group on the 20th May.
At the conclusion of his inspection he made a short and heartening speech to the troops.
In the course of his address he said that ever since he had first met him General Montgomery had been telling him how good the 3rd British Division was; now he had had a chance to see for himself and quite agreed.
He noted that many men were wearing the 1939-43 Star, and they were probably feeling sore at the lack of air support which they received in 1940. There was no need to worry on that score now, as we could count on complete air cover from the sea level up.
General Eisenhower made a deep impression on the men by his military bearing, cheerfulness, general air of confidence, and the ease with which he spoke.
He was cheered loudly on leaving.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Bulford
Preparations for leave, and considerable documentation.
Those having the demobilisation number of 27 and below are eligible for S.E.A.C.
These and others who are volunteers are to have 28 days leave.
The remainder will go in separate batches for 9 days.
1959 – 1st Green Jackets (42rd & 52nd) Leave CYPRUS.
here to edit.