1809 - Company detachments of 43rd and 52nd served with Brig.-General Stewart's Brigade in the attack on heights of Grijou (Portugal).
Towards evening the enemy carried out a heavy gas bombardment of BLAIREVILLE and its vicinity such as seemed likely to interfere with the relief but beyond delaying it no damage was done. The relief by the 15th (S) Bn Highland Light Infantry was completed by 1AM and the Regiment embossed at BLAIREVILLE and moved by bus to SAULTY there being billeted in the Village and Park.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – ASIAGO PLATEAU.
Hot sunny day.
Patrols out from both Companies during the Night.
Work continued on tracks and shelters.
One Wounded BERKSHIRE man brought in by our patrols.
Ration Strength: 28 Officers 724 OR. Casualties: 1 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1938 -1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Metal badges of rank were taken into use by warrant officers and colour serjeants.
All ranks were authorized to wear trousers without puttees for all purposes except ceremonial or when otherwise ordered.
1938 – Buckinghamshire Battalion –
"The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Coronation, to give orders for the following appointment:
"H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent as Honorary Colonel, The Buckinghamshire Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (T.A.)."