1741 – 43rd - The 43rd raised and originally numbered 54th.
1918 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - First Battle of Bapaume. 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI carried out the withrdrawal ordered to avoid being cut off, by daylight and with great difficulty and some loss.
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – BARASTRE. (France)
A withdrawal order however came about 8AM, and could not have been carried out had not a preaaranged code been given to the Companies.
After considerable trouble, very fortunately not represented by heavy losses, the Regiment withdrew and was assembled on the ridge East of BARASTRE.
Orders were then given for a withdrawal to the Red Line in front of VILLERS-AU-FLOS, and that tanks would co-operate. With little loss the Regiment was collected in the Red Line, and as this was being re-organised the situation on both flanks demanded an instant departure to West of BEAULENCOURT.
This was done, the Brigade again concentrated, and withdrew under cover of dusk to LEFROY-TILLOY, there taking up an outpost line covering the village.
Casualties: Wounded and Missing Capt W T Barnes DSO (Prisoner), 2Lt W A F Bailey.
Killed = 20 Other Ranks
Missing = 23 Other Ranks
Officers Wounded: capt C H B Slocock (Died of Wounds 3.4.18). Lt H Vernon
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshireBattalion – BUSIAGO, VECCHIA & COCCHE. (Italy)
Church Parade 9.30am.
Ration Strength: 39 Officers 811 OR.
Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To HOMBLEUX. (France)
The Battalion moved at 11 a.m. and occupied high ground in front of HOMBLEUX. At 3 p.m. it withdrew to position along canal bank from BREUAL-QUIQUE, which was held during the night.
Casualties. – O.R. Killed. 1, Missing 1, Wounded 7
1918 - 5th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - After collecting at GUISCARDG, marched to SERMAIZE. (France)
Battn again retires under orders, heavy machine gun fire causing a few casualties.
Battn collects at GUISCARD and marches via CRISOLLES to SERMAIZE arriving 11 p.m.
1929 - Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry – YPRES.
On March 24th, the dedication took place of the British Church at Ypres which has been erected in memory of the British troops who died in the Ypres salient during l914-18.
The Regiment has presented a window to the Church in memory of the 52nd, the lst/4th, 2nd/4th, lst/lst Bucks, 2/1st Bucks Territorial Battalions and the 5th and 6th Service Battalions.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe.
The Regiment moved back into the battle area once more, concentrated at Kuckuck (935276)
1945 - The 2nd (Airborne) Battalion Oxf & Bucks LI - landed at Hamminkeln in Germany during the Crossing of the River Rhine, Operation Varsity.
Place: Birch
0615 - After an early rouse and breakfast, we were taken in transport from the BIRCH transit camp to the airfields at BIRCH & GOSFIELD, whence we started take-off at 0615 hrs. Weather fine. Very smooth flight.
Place: Hamminkeln Sta.
1020 - Immediately after passing over the RHINE fire from heavy Flak guns started coming up & several tugs and gliders were hit by shrapnel. As we approached the Landing Zone and cast off we were troubled by 20mm fire from positions round our objectives. Many gliders crashed & caught fire because of this & very great credit is due to the glider pilots who took us down through it to land with few exceptions, in the right places.
1140 - Message sent to Brigade to the effect that all objectives had been gained, bridges intact. We were short of Jeeps & heavier weapons - 6 pdrs & mortars. Many Jeeps had caught fire or been holed, & it was impossible to get others out of the gliders which were under enemy observation. All was quiet save for spasmodic spandau fire, by 1530 hrs. "D" Coy moved to its position near "C" as planned & the Glider Pilots took over the farm in rear of RHQ where they received 110 PW, who were later sent back to Bde.
1600 - Divisional & Brigade Commanders arrived. All the Divisional objectives taken. Heavy casualties among Airlanding Brigade. Estimated 50% total casualties in Regiment.
1900 - Glider Pilots under Squadron-Leader Reynolds took up position astride Railway south of RHQ.
2000 - Patrol from "C" Coy under Lt. Stone sent to raid Lt. Flak position 216503, 2 Germans killed, 2 prisoners. Lt. Stone wounded.
2030 - Strength of Coy's as far as can be ascertained are as follows A 4 & 56, B 2 & 45, C 4 & 52, D 5 and 58.
2320 - "B" Coy report sounds of track vehicles in RINGENBURG. F.O.U. (Forward Observation Unit) engaged target with medium artillery.