1827 – 43rd - Occupation of Portugal, 43rd quartered at Thomar.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
Lt. M.C. de Vitre D Coy. to BERESNIK to command the base platoon in relief of Lt. W.S. Mackay.
Lt. D.W.L. Lethbridge to Hospital BERESNIK.
2200 - Orders received for one company of the regiment to be sent to BERESNIK as soon as possible for employment elsewhere.
One Battalion of Russians being sent up to replace.
2230 - Reply sent to G.H.Q. that D Coy. (less 1 Platoon at BERESNIK) will reach BERESNIK by 1200 hrs. on Sunday 27th July.
1100 - 1 platoon C Coy. (Lt. MOULDING from MALA BERESINK to KOSLOVO.
1530 - Capt. J.W. MEADE and 1 Platoon C Company arrived from UST VAGA.
Capt. MEADE took over KOSLOVO
1700 - D Coy march by left bank road to UST VAGA with kits & 3 days rations (30 carts)
1800 - Capt. WYLD, Brigade Major SADLIER JACKSON’S BRIGADE came over from R DVINA to see Comdg. Officer.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – CHATEAU ST COME. (NORMANDY)
A noisy night due to our own and enemy arty fire, also large numbers of aircraft flew overhead, mostly our own.
Bombs were dropped SE and SOUTH and SW of our position but some fell in our immediate area.
Another very good day for our snipers who between them claim 8 certain hits and 6 probables.
The carelessness on the part of the enemy in allowing our snipers such success in the last few days may indicate a relief.
But at the moment we believe the enemy opposite us to belong to Nos 6 + 7 Coys of the II Bn 857 Gren Regt.
1957- 1st Bn Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (43rd & 52nd) – CYPRUS
The Regiment learned of its future after the Reorganisation of the Army; it is to become part of the Green Jackets Brigade.
1992 – 1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets – Disbanded.
1st Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets disbanded and 2nd & 3rd Battalions, The Royal Green Jackets renumbered as 1st and 2nd Battalions, The Royal Green Jackets and merged with members of the old 1st Battalion.