1813 – Light Division – PENINSULA WAR
Engagement on the Heights of Vera.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
0800 - Two Bolo deserters came in on left bank.
1944 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI in action at CAHIER 15th/16th July, (NORMANDY)
Orders were now received for the Regt to carry out an attack on what was at first supposed to be an enemy Company position in the area CAHIER 906628 – Wood (called JUMBO) 910626 – Copse (called TINY) 912624.
The Company was one of 277 Inf Div, with a large proportion of conscripted Poles and Austrians.
The plan initially was for two coys of the Regt to attack first, one directed on CAHIER and the other on TINY COPSE, and for the attack on JUMBO Wood to be launched with the remaining Coys either from CAHIER or from TINY COPSE, according to the situation at the time.
During the day, additional information about the enemy was received through deserters. There were now thought to be three coys in the area, one stretching from MILL 917623 to TINY COPSE, another in the area of JUMBO WOOD and a third in CAHIER.
The plan accordingly changed and it was decided to direct one coy on the MILL in the initial assault in addition to the attacks on TINY COPSE and CAHIER, thus leaving one company in reserve for the final attack on JUMBO WOOD.
“B” Coy were ordered to carry out the attack on CAHIER, “C” Coy on TINY COPSE, and “D” Coy on the MILL with “A” Coy in reserve for the final attack on JUMBO WOOD.
The Carrier Platoon dismounted was to move to a position in the hedgerow 912616 before the attack, ready to beat down enemy fire on “C” and “D” Coys which was expected from the area between JUMBO WOOD and the road 915625.
The Regimental 3” Mortars, the MMG’s of 1MANCHESTER, the 25pdrs of 81 Fd Regt and the 3” Mortars of 1E LANCS and 2MONMOUTHS were prepared to give support fire if necessary, but the intention was that the attack should be silent and that this supporting fire should not be called for unless absolutely necessary.
2130hrs.- The Regt set out by Coys for the assembly areas for the attack at 2130 hrs, and arrived at COLLEVILLE 923651 by 2230 hrs.
Regimental HQ was established in the NW corner of the Copse 922634 by 2200hrs.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – CHATEAU ST COME. (NORMANDY)
Our orders to-day have been to keep as quiet as possible and to cut out all offensive action, in order to entice the enemy into being a bit more bold and offering better targets for our snipers, Brens and Mortars tomorrow.
here to edit.