1803 - 52nd - joined Sir john Moore's Brigade at Shorncliffe camp.
1857 – 52nd - Mutiny of native troops at Sealkote – the 52nd had left this station on 20th May to join the Punjab Field Force and all its property at Sealkote was now looted or destroyed.
Inter Company reliefs.
Funeral of the late Captain Fuller at BIENVILLERS – AU-BOIS.
Casualties: Wounded = 7 OR
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – GRUMO & CEREDA.
C Company & 2 Platoons of B Coy fired on new 200 yard range at CANTONE practise being Application, Snap Shooting & 15 Rounds Rapid at 200 yards.
Other Companies doing Company Training.
Ration Strength: 24 Officers 706 OR. Casualties: 1 OR to Hospital – Sick.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – CHATEAU ST COME.
Another quiet day.
Our recce patrols last night confirmed further of enemy posns on our front.
The mortars ranged on their D.F. tasks and carried a certain amount of counter-mortar fire. One of 'D' Coy snipers claims to have hit one of the enemy.
1956 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (43rd & 52nd) -The Regiment left Osnabruck for England after a stay of almost exactly 3 years.