1814 – 52nd LI – picquets entered Toulouse.(Peninsula)
1886 – 1st Bn Oxfordshire LI – entertained 2nd Bn Oxfordshire LI passing through Poona (India).
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – SAULTY.
The regiment relieved the 2nd Bn Coldstream Guards in the position of Reserve battalion, Centre Brigade, being in huts on the Blaireville – Heudecourt-les-Ransart Road and in unpleasant proximity to a heavy battery Royal Artillery the attempts to destroy which, by the enemy, necessitated several moves to alternative positions and seriously interfered with rest.
The Regiment marched from Saulty at 2.30PM via the main Doullens – Arras Road as far as Beaumetz-les-Loges, detaching the Rearward Services to Baillueumont, from Le Bac du Sud, where the Regiment halted for tea, and thence via Bretencourt and Blaireville A and C Coys (Right and Left) occupied the Purple System, by night within the Brigade Boundaries.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – S URBANO VIGO MONTE DI SOVIZZO.
Orders received that Battalion is to proceed to PADUA Training Area on 15th inst.
All Working parties with exception of party of 2 Officers & 100 OR A Coy rejoined during day.
CAPT HALES, LT BRIGHTMAN & INT Officer reconnoitred Intermediate Line.
Ration Strength: 28 Officers 276 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – BATTLE OF THE LYS (Fourth Ypres)
At 7.30 a.m., in thick fog, the enemy attacked the frontage occupied by the 183rd Brigade (1,000 yards to the Battalion's left), at the same time enfilading the Calonne-Robecq road with his artillery, which had been moved up in the fog to very close range. Owing to the exposed condition of the Battalion's left flank at Q.14.c.35, and to guard against the risk of the three companies south of the river being isolated by a strong enemy attack down the Colonne-Robecq road, D Company was ordered to form a defensive flank to C Company, and remained thus in position until 10 a.m., when all was quiet.
Between 12 noon and 3.30 p.m. the troops holding the line of the Calonne-Robecq road on the left of C Company were heavily shelled by the enemy, and (in spite of the control and example shown by 2nd Lieut. Lodge, who twice went up to their position) withdrew to the line of the road through Q.13.b. facing east, and in so doing gave up the houses along the Calonne-Robecq road as far south as road-junction Q.14.c.3.4.
This move of the troops on their left obliged C Company to withdraw from the houses at Q.14.c.3.3 and the farm south, of the Noe River at Q.20.a.5.8. As these houses (especially the house at Q.14.c.33) constituted the key to the line of the Noe River, orders were given for the recapture by C Company both of the buildings from which withdrawal had been obliged, and of the houses on each side of the road at Q.14.c.4.6.
At 7.30 p.m. two platoons of C Company attacked and captured the three houses at Q.14.c.33 and 46., taking a machine gun and killing a good number of the enemy. Two light trench mortars, manned by personnel of the Battalion, assisted in the operation. The houses at Q.14.c.4.6. were reoccupied by the Warwicks at nightfall.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
The Regiment's part in the brigade plan was to capture Gross Hauslingen(1168).
Eventually the Regiment was fired at as darkness fell, in scrubby-country and with open flanks and no definite knowledge of enemy positions. A halt was called, but, after some opposition to A Company, Gross Hauslingen was occupied before first light.
Daylight discovered a dangerous and difficult situation, for a number of enemy posts had remained hidden and began shooting as soon as they could see.
The day was spent in cleaning up these enemy posts. Casualties were fairly high, as the fighting was very close. Captain E. P. Hawley was killed when a panzerfaust hit his carrier, and Major W. R. G. de Warenne Warren, Second Lieutenant E. Norris and Lieutenant L. W. Hedges were wounded. By 2000 hrs the position was stable.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Heitlingen
Our notice to move was cancelled about mid-day. More rest & maintenance.
Some training & PIAT practice.