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Things that I would like know:-
The Bucks Battalion had its own march to the tune of “The 95” I know that they sang words to the tune and my Grandfather taught me a couple of lines but unfortunately I cannot remember the rest – can anyone help - printable and unprintable versions welcomed!
In my research I have come across the phrase “Extracted to N.S.R.W” which I believe to be the National Service Reception Wing. Does anyone have any information on what this may mean? Another alternative = National Service Reserve Wing.
In this photo of the 2nd Bucks in 1941 they are wearing a helmet flash, it does not appear to be the normal regimental flash of Blue/Buff/Red/Blue or the 1st Bucks Black & Red.
Does any one know what the colours would have been?
I would like to acquire:-
Good Scanned copies of photographs of the 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion taken at Chelmsford in late 1914 by Fred Spalding of:- G (Wolverton) Company - Officers & NCOs group B (High Wycombe) Company - whole company D (Aylesbury) Company - whole company H (High Wycombe) Company- whole company